

Pollinator Gardens: Design Guide:

USDA- Pollinator Gardens: Design Guide


Carbon Markets:

IL Sustainable Ag Partnership’s Carbon Markets Overview




The list of contractors linked below are known in the area and provide installation assistance with conservation related practices. The inclusion of contractors on these lists do not constitute a recommendation, endorsement, or certification of their qualifications or performance record. Nor does the absence from the list constitute a negative endorsement. Please use independent judgement in evaluating the credentials of any contractors appearing on these lists.

Local Contractor List

S&H Seed Service, Inc. Drill Rental



Cover Crops:

Midwest Cover Crop Council



Fish & Pond:

Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)



Fish Stocking_IDNR





Aquatic Plants, Their Identification & Management_IDNR






Management of Small Lakes & Ponds in Illinois_IDNR




Other pond resources:

Beaver Institute Webpage



Illinois Urban Manual:

Illinois Urban Manual Webpage

The Illinois Urban Manual is intended for use as a technical reference
by developers, contractors, planners, engineers, government
officials and others involved in inspection of soil erosion and
sediment control best management practices on construction
sites in Illinois.




Kendall County GIS Map Viewer

Use the zoning tab to view zoning information as well as natural resource information including the presence of wetlands, soil types, and flood hazard areas.



Native Plantings:

Below are lists of known native seed and plant suppliers in the area. The inclusion of suppliers on the lists linked below does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement. Nor does the absence from the list constitute a negative endorsement. Please use independent judgement in selecting a native seed or plant supplier.

Pollinator Seed Resource List

Pollinator Plant Resource List



Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS):

Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS) Webpage



Other Conservation Programs:

IDNR Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

IDNR Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

Comparison of Private Lands Conservation Program Benefits 2022

NRCS Programs

FSA Programs



Plat Books:

Kendall-Grundy Farm Bureau

Kendall County Plat Book – Plat Books can be purchased from the Kendall-Grundy Farm Bureau. Call them at (815) 942-6400



Rain Gardens:


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Rain Gardens, A How-To Manual for Homeowners_WDNR


The following resources were compiled and/or created by University of Illinois Extension:



The Southern Lake Michigan Rain Garden Manual







Introduction to Rain Garden Design



Red Oak Rain Garden Resources

Illinois Extension Stormwater@Home Video

Illinois Groundwork Plant Finder

Illinois Extension Rainfall Management



Regulatory Agencies:

United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE):

Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the USACE regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material in waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Under Section 10 of the Rivers & Harbors Act of 1899, they regulate all structures or work in, over, or under navigable waters of the U.S.

For general inquiries, you can contact the Regulatory Branch at or by calling (312) 846-5530

If you suspect unauthorized activity within a wetland or waters of the U.S., you can report it to USACE. To do so, please utilize the information found here.


Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR):

The IDNR’s Office of Water Resources regulates work completed within floodways and floodplains. They issue “permits for work in and along rivers, lakes, and streams; activities in and along public waters, including Lake Michigan; and for construction and maintenance of dams.”

Click here for more information.


Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA):

Under the Clean Water Act, the IEPA regulates all aspects of water quality including stormwater pollution. Construction sites that disturb one acre or more as well as urban municipalities are required to obtain permit coverage for their stormwater discharges.

Click here for more information.


Local Unit of Government:

Your local unit of government will have their own requirements for building, zoning, and stormwater management. Be sure to contact them and obtain the proper permits for your project.



Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources (STAR):

STAR Webpage

STAR is a free nationwide tool to assist farm operators and landowners in evaluating their nutrient and soil loss management practices on individual fields. STAR encourages farmers and landowners to use management practices and make decisions that will reduce the nutrient and soil losses on their fields.




Where can you get your soil tested?

Soil test kits for your yard or garden are available at the Kendall-Grundy Farm Bureau office. You mail your soil samples and a check to the lab and your results are emailed directly to you. For more information you can contact Kendall-Grundy Farm Bureau at (815) 942-6400.

The University of IL Extension has a list of soil testing labs. That list can be found here: University of Illinois Extension Soil Testing Labs

The IL Soil Classifiers Association website has a list of registered Soil Classifiers who perform on-site evaluations for septic suitability, wetland determinations, home sites, agriculture, and more. You can visit their website here: IL Soil Classifiers Association 

Other soil resources:

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service – Web Soil Survey




Where can you get your water tested?

The Kendall County Health Department has free kits available at their office (811 W. John St. Yorkville) that test for Total Coliform and E. Coli bacteria. The Kendall County Health Department recommends testing your private well once a year. Visit the Kendall County Health Department’s website here: Kendall County Health Department Water Wells

If you want to test your well for nitrates/nitrites, pesticides, volatile organic chemicals, hardness/calcium, pH, etc. you can consult with a private lab that offers homeowner testing packages.



Weed Management:

USDA & Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) –  Manage Weeds on Your Farm, A Guide to Ecological Strategies




Chicago Region Trees Initiative – Tree Selection, Planting, & Care

USDA Forest Service – Tree Owner’s Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States

The Morton Arboretum – Selecting and Planting Trees

ComEd – The Power of Smart Planting, A Guide to Planting Near Power Lines

The Morton Arboretum – Tree and Plant Care Resources

International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) – Avoiding Tree Damage During Construction